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AV Digest | Emerging AV Trends For Businesses In 2021

2021 will be the year of adaptability, after 2020 created a seismic shift in the global economy and the way businesses operate. The world changed drastically in 2020 for many companies and organizations alike with the spread of COVID-19. While many businesses had to cancel or change their modus operandi – especially those pertaining to live events, hospitality, and tourism – those in the AV industry had to suddenly pivot and figure out ways to adapt to the sudden shift in the professional and personal landscape. As it does, the AV industry used innovation to provide safer ways to implement […]

AV Digest | How Video Conferencing Solutions Are Helping Flatten the Curve

Flattening the curve, sometimes referred to as ‘planking the curve’, refers to community isolation measures that keep the daily numbers of virus and disease cases at a manageable level for medical providers and their healthcare practitioners. We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented crisis on a global scale as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The current climate is not just a short term crisis but rather an ongoing challenge to protect our economy and health. “Flatten the Curve” is a saying most of us have heard over and over and over again as of late, and […]

AV Digest | Wireless Conferencing – The ‘Bring Your Own Meeting’ Solution

The ways in which we connect and communicate are rapidly being transformed and adapted to accommodate our digitized workplace lifestyles. This is reflected in modern offices and streamlined productivity and collaboration is at the heart of it. It’s no secret that Wireless Presentation Systems have been a major game changer when it comes to connecting, collaborating and increasing productivity in the workplace. The ability to share content from any laptop, phone or tablet to a projector or TV without the need for any wires is both convenient and beneficial. Wireless Conferencing improves and innovates on this technology, allowing team members […]

AV Digest | Logitech Tap – Video Conferencing Made Easy

Video conferencing can be a complex and difficult road to navigate for many businesses. From lengthy set-up times, connectivity issues, microphone problems to contrasting technological literacy within the organization. The expansive and growing options relating to software can also be a challenge for many to make sense of, as well. The ability to communicate cohesively through video conferencing is often a lot more challenging than it should be for many organizations. Time wastage is highly prominent in this area, and as we all know, time is money. Our partners at Logitech saw these issues and worked towards creating a solution […]

AV Digest | Top 6 Audio Visual Trends in Canada

With a wide and diversified array of professional audio visual solutions available on the market today, it can be challenging to determine what is best for you and your business needs. An important consideration in decision making typically involves a review of current technology trends and habits of other organizations and their workflows. Trends are important study as they inform the market as to what will best support their users needs, while paving a new path towards innovation and sustainability. Consider the automotive industry, the growing interest in Tesla and their electric vehicles. There are reasons justified why a large […]

AV Digest | Zoom Rooms – What’s The Hype?

Zoom Rooms have changed the way that we communicate, collaborate, learn, and educate. In the recent past, businesses have been forced to utilize expensive, cumbersome, proprietary, video conferencing hardware systems to conduct very limited point to point means between offices. These systems were so limited in nature that it was an impossibility to even connect with remote participants who had not invested in identical hardware solutions on their premises. Companies like Cisco, Polycom, and Lifesize, who for years dominated the marketplace, are now faced with a new challenger. This rival contender has surpassed what was once believed to be impossible […]

AV Digest | Video Conferencing – More Accessible Than Ever

The History of Video Conferencing The term Video Conferencing was associated with words such as expensive, complicated and limited, only a few short years ago. This was largely the case. The leading providers of video conferencing equipment were only a few manufacturers. The hardware-based products manufacturers provide include a codec, an HD pan tilt zoom camera, and basic speaker or conference phone. Price points of even the most basic systems were close to the purchase price of a new Sedan. In other words, not affordable for the average consumer or small business. In addition, these systems were very limited in […]

AV Digest | The Modern Meeting Room – Less Is More

The modern meeting room. We’ve all been there. We arrive early for our scheduled meeting, thirty minutes early to be exact. Today is an important day. It’s our responsibility to present a project, presentation or other key messages to our established colleagues and team members. “Thirty minutes should be plenty of time to prepare for the start of the meeting,” we tell ourselves confidently. This should be the case. Meanwhile, we spend hours, days and sometimes even weeks of personal preparation. Unfortunately, this is just not the case. AV Equipment In The Past The AV equipment in the modern meeting […]